A- 1994
- 1996
- 1997
- 1999
- 2000
- 2002
- 2004
- 2005
- 2008
- 2011
- 2014
Foundation of the company Bobby Shanghai Ltd.
Supply of 19 Scheuerle's steel coil transporters to Baosteel
Supply of mechanical and electrical spare parts made in EU to Baosteel for steel production
The exclusive agent in China for gear lifting devices from company Pfaff, Germany
Bobby Handels GmbH, Gerrmany was established.
Supply of seaport equipment like marine engine, propeller propulsion system and stacker-reclaimer made in Germany and UK for Majishan-Port project of Baosteel
Foundation of joint venture Steuler-Bobby (SBE); Exclusive sales agent in China for Munsch chemical pumps; Anniversary for 10 years of Bobby Shanghai Ltd.
Foundation of joint venture Bobby-Kern (Shanghai) Automation Ltd. (B&K)
Supply of the large-scale mechanical components made in Germany for electrical power unit in China
Winning the contracts for aluminum making equipment like ingot caster, plate saw and US-detection plant etc. for Aleris Aluminium (Zhenjiang)
Foundation of joint venture Bobby & Bartz (Shanghai) Mechanical Equip- ment Co.,Ltd; Anniversary for 20 years of Bobby Shanghai Ltd.